Hobby Projects
This is a small selection of projects I have touched and am proud of. Visit my GitHub for a more comprehensive list.
- os: An x86 32-bit operating system used to explore concepts of OS and architecture. C, Assembly.
Computational Biology
Work arising from research in computational biology or bioinformatics.
- Pylogeny: A peer-reviewed and journal-published framework for working with discrete combinatorics in phylogeny. Python.
- ABeRMuSA: A CLI utility for three-dimensional protein structure alignment by using a simple pairwise alignment strategy. Python.
- Saber: An engine to provide tooling and algorithm implementation for character, setting, history, and story element generation for tabletop roleplaying games. Go.
- airtable-dnd: A CLI tool that leverages Airtable in order to automate components of play in real-time for an ongoing D&D 5th Edition campaign. Go.
- Excalibur: A JSON-to-HTML renderer for structured character sheets. Go.
- MeatGrinder: A web app that automates an element of combat game mechanics present in the GURPS tabletop RPG. Self-hostable using Docker and created in Flask. Python.
- senketsu: Plex/Kodi library CLI tool that leverages Airtable. Written and scaled to help manage terabytes of video files I have at home. Recently rewritten in Go from Python for better performance and control. Go, Python.
- Garrus: A Discord bot for automation and sound tomfoolery written to be low resource footprint and have minimal basic functionality. Go.
- NootBot: The monolithic but mature and functional precursor to Garrus. Was hosted and maintained for six years. Java with Spring Boot.
Web-Based Services
My employment at Amazon.com, BeyondTrust and watzan had provided me the opportunity to work on relatively real-time, high-demand web applications in areas of e-commerce, enterprise security, retail, health, and media entertainment.